Every dog has the potential to bite but most dogs do not just bite out of the blue. They have reasons why they might bite a person.
Dogs may bite to protect their owner’s property or their own possession such as food and water, or their puppies. Dogs bite when provoked or frightened, or when sick or injured.
Dog bites can cause more than just scratches or teeth marks on your skin. Dog are known to carry rabies which can be fatal if contracted by humans.
When attacked by a dog, you have every right to consult with a dog bite attorney. Even if the injury is minor, it might keep you from work and that means loss of income. Get in touch with the Los Angeles dog bite attorneys at Kaye Law Offices. Their dog bite attorneys can help you get the compensation you deserve.
When you consult a dog bite attorney, you have to give them all the information needed to assess your case. Information such as the dog being on a leash or just roaming freely is important to your lawyers. You have to tell them if you have done anything to provoke the dog or you have noticed or heard the owner give a command, or encourage the dog to attack.
Even if it has been established that the dog owner has not been negligent, dog bite attorneys can still help you with your personal injury claim against the dog’s owner.
Filing your claim may unearth another issue, that of the dog owner’s neglect of the animal. The dog may be a victim of animal cruelty. Dogs that are starved, or beaten can become violent.
Dealing with the pet owners yourself may put you in a difficult situation because there are pet owners who are protective of their dogs and may refuse to believe that their beloved dog has attacked you. More difficult if they are abusive pet owners, so why not let the professional handle your case. The Los Angeles dog bite attorneys at Kaye Law Offices are able to offer you assistance in taking legal action to pursue your dog bite injury claims.
A dog bite is a personal injury for which you should be compensated. Dog owners should be held responsible for their dog’s behavior. You should not suffer because of their negligence. Whether it is you or someone you care about who has been attacked by a dog and harmed seriously, you have to take action.
A legal action can be a lot easier and faster if you get a good dog bite attorney to get you through all the obstacles that may come your way. The dog bite attorneys at Kaye Law Offices are in the business for so long and are experienced in the legal proceedings concerning dog bite injuries. Contact them for consultation when you or your loved ones are seriously harmed by a dog attack in the Los Angeles or surrounding areas.